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The municipality is located between the right bank of the River Júcar, the “Aguas Vivas” Valley and “El Convento” mountains. The municipality is mostly flat and covers an area that forms the Júcar Valley which, once past the village, becomes more mountainous, with the presence of the “Corbera” and “Las Agujas” ranges.


Mention may be made of the local “buñuelos” (fritters) and “arnadí” (a sweet made with pumpkin), and the variety of rice dishes. But without doubt, if Carcaixent is known for anything, then it is for being the centre of the orange industry.

Places of interest:

The hermitage of Saint Roche of Ternils. It is the oldest preserved building in the municipality (13th century), declared a National Historical-Artistic Monument; The parish church of Saint Bartholomew of Cogullada (declared a Historical-Artistic Monument); the Bicentenary Park, with the architectural and plant structures; the parish church of Our Lady of the Assumption; the Montortal Palace; the Town Hall (1847); “Magatzem de Jose Ribera”; the parish church of Saint Francis; the “Aguas Vivas” Monastery. There are numerous natural sites of interest: the “Falzia” spring and the “La Parra” spring (there is a campground in the area).

Carcaixent also offers two tourist routes: “Els Horts” Route and “El Camí de Llevant” Route. The “dels Horts” route reveals the most precious treasures of “l’horta de la Ribera”, taking the visitor to some of the most emblematic agricultural lands in the municipality of Carcaixent. “Hort de Sant Vicent”, “Hort del Realenc”, “Hort de L’Ermita”, “Hort de Soriano”. By following the “Camí de Llevant” route, you will travel back to the Middle Ages with James I of Aragon, medieval knights and the pilgrims headed for Santiago.


Carcaixent celebrates its main festivities in October. A wide range of activities are organized: nocturnal discos, “Nit d’Albaes i cant de valencianes”, exhibitions, paella contest, waiters contest, medieval market (Porrat), processions, fireworks and “mascletaes”, etc. Other festivities include Holy Week, and “Las Fallas”, held in honour of Saint Joseph from 15th to 19th March.

Lugares de interes de Carcaixent

¿Que hacer en Carcaixent?

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Tourist Info Alzira
Plaza del Reino S/N.
Tel: 962419551
From Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sundays: from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.