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Its terrain is relatively hilly, as it lies in the Turia valley. It is surrounded by high mountains, especially to the east, where we find the foothills of the Sierra de Javalambre and Sierra de Tortajada ranges. The rivers Túria and Ebrón rivers run through the municipality.


Local delicacies include pork and lamb, artisan sausages and cured ham. Typical local dishes include stew, “arroz empedrado” and “gachas”. Local sweets include apple pie, quince and almond cake.

Places of interest:

The most prominent monument is “Casa de los Picos” or “Torreon”, which is located in the village square.

Next to the square is the Parish Church of Saint Mary of Jerusalem (19th century).

The mill of Saint Joseph (19th century), and the Chapel of Saint Joseph, complete Torrebaja’s monumental heritage.

In the village centre, it is possible to visit “La Casa de la Abuela” (House-Museum) and the Hermitage of Saint Roche (patron saint of the town).

Rincón de Ademuz sculpture park (seven open-air sculptures).

It sites of natural beauty include the Rive Ebrón Dam, “La Lloma” trail, the short “Botanical” trail and the Rincón de Ademuz Geological Interpretation Point.


The main festivities are celebrated during the last week of August in honour of Saint Marina and Saint Roche, with open-air dances, sports activities and an open-air dinner in the Village Square on the last night. Festivities are held in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbot on 17th January. Events include the burning of bonfires. Saint Marina is honoured by two festivities: “Santa Marina la Cerecera”, held in June, and “La Melonera”, held in August.