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Siete Aguas

Siete Aguas, located just 52 km. from the city of Valencia, is a village steeped in history and traditions. It has a rich artistic and environmental heritage. Siete Aguas takes pride in its high mountain climate, which makes its summers among the freshest of the Valencian inland. But undoubtedly, the municipality’s great treasures are the numerous springs scattered throughout its terrain and its natural spaces, which allow visitors to practice many sports. All this, together with its rich traditional cuisine, make this municipality in La Hoya de Buñol-Chiva perfect for an unforgettable stay.


Due to its geographical position on the border between Valencia and Castile, Siete Aguas retains a unique culinary tradition influenced by both the Valencian and the Castilian gastronomies.

All the local restaurants offer typical dishes such as stews, casseroles, “gazpacho manchego”, as well as “ajoarriero”, “morteruelo”, “rin ran” and “sartenes de pastor”.

Mention may also be made of a traditional drink, a variant of Sangria known as Cuerva. Nor can we forget the traditional “orza” cured sausages and meats.

Places of interest:

The 109 square kilometres of the municipality of Siete Aguas are a good location for enjoying numerous routes and walks.

Among its variety of landscapes and sites, we can go from the village centre’s altitude of 750 m. to the 1,118 m. of “El Pico de la Nervera”, located in the heart of the Sierra de Malacara range, or to the 1,250 m. of the neighbouring “Pico del Tejo”.

We can also stroll among its more than 100 springs. To visit the springs nearest to the village, we can take the “Route of the Springs”, which passes by “La Fuente del Retiro”, “La Tejería”, “La Gota” and “El Papán”, among many others. Just a few kilometres from the village centre we can visit the grandeur of “La Vallesa”.

The wild vegetation of “La Umbria del Fresnal-Villingordo”, which conserves an extensive variety of threatened wildlife, such as badgers, bobcats, foxes, eagles, squirrels, hedgehogs, and ibexes, among many other game species. There are many possibilities for excursions, such as the routes leading from “la Farnera” to “Monedi” and from “el Leonar” to “las Arravacas”, and from there to “la Vallesa”.

Another attractive route takes us via “Raydón” and “Mazalví” to “Atalayuela”. Nature lovers must experience the excursion to the hamlet of “El Reatillo”, which lies some 15 km away in the north of the municipality (the most recommendable route goes from the municipality of Chera).

Lugares de interes de Siete Aguas

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