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Mislata is, with more than 42,000 inhabitants, one of the most populated municipalities of the administrative region. It is located 2.3 km from Valencia to the west, at an average altitude of 29 m above sea level.

The cross marking the limit of the municipality, dating from 15th century, divides the municipalities of Valencia and Mislata. Mention may also be made of the beautiful Town Hall, located in the old town. A relaxing stroll through the large park located next to the sports centre is highly recommended. The Church of Our Lady of the Angels is the oldest in Mislata (18th century) and displays a succession of styles and extreme simplicity, especially on its façade. It was constructed on one level and has a Latin cross layout and a barrel vault. In addition to the Church of Our Lady of the Angels, there are two more churches in Mislata: the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi and the Church of Saint Michael of Soternes. The Convent of Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross dates from the mid-20th century and is located near to the Church of the Angels. It is contemporary in style and has a single nave.


As in the other municipalities in l’Horta, Mislata’s cuisine is focussed on rice and its variants. The most representative dish is paella, together with “arròs amb fessols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip), “arròs a banda” (rice with fish stock) and “arròs negre”·(rice in squid’s ink). Mention may also be made of “all i pebre”. Furthermore, as a traditional area for the cultivation of tiger nuts, mention must be made of the classic Valencian drink “Orxata”, which is accompanied by “fartons”.

Places of interest:

The cross marking the limit of the municipality, dating from 15th century, divides the municipalities of Valencia and Mislata. Mention may also be made of the beautiful Town Hall, located in the old town. A relaxing stroll through the large park located next to the sports centre is highly recommended. The Church of Our Lady of the Angels is the oldest in Mislata (18th century) and displays a succession of styles and extreme simplicity, especially on its façade. It was constructed on one level and has a Latin cross layout and a barrel vault. In addition to the Church of Our Lady of the Angels, there are two more churches in Mislata: the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi and the Church of Saint Michael of Soternes. The Convent of Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross dates from the mid-20th century and is located near to the Church of the Angels. It is contemporary in style and has a single nave.


The main festivities are held from 1st to 27th August in honour of the Holy Christ of Faith and Our Lady of the Angels. Various acts, as “despertaes” (morning wake-up calls), Moors and Christians, parades, gatherings with hot chocolate, giant paellas, “mascletaes” (traditional fireworks), processions, masses and musical activities are organized. In September, festivities are held in honour of Saint Michael the Archangel and Our Lady of Sorrows. In December, the festivity of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated, and in March the traditional Valencian “Fallas” are held.