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Tavernes Blanques

Tavernes Blanques is located 2.8 km north of Valencia. The village has a population of about 9,400 inhabitants.


Tavernes Blanques’ cuisine is typical of Mediterranean and Valencian cooking. The varied local cuisine is based, above all, on rice. Mention may be made of paella, “all i pebre”, the traditional “arròs amb fesols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip) and the classic “arroz a banda” (rice with fish stock).

Places of interest:

The village lies very near to the city of Valencia, and its notable architecture includes the Church of the Holy Trinity (18th century).
Tavernes Blanques is the village in which the “City of Porcelain” is located: the village where the world-famous “Lladró” figurines are produced.

Next to the Carraixet ravine we find the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Forsaken, dating from 17th century. It combines a curious succession of architectural styles. It contains the famous effigy of the Our Lady of the Forsaken.


The main festivities are held on the Saturday before the third Sunday in August, and include activities such as “la passa”, the transfer of the effigy of Our Lady of the Forsaken from the Hermitage of El Carraixet to the parish church of La Trinidad. On the Sunday, festivities are held in honour of Our Lady of the Forsaken, and the following Tuesday Saint Roche’s Day is celebrated in honour of the village’s patron saint. Activities include “mascletaes” (fireworks) and the Saint Roche dinner, during which typical Saint Roche bread is eaten with black pudding and sausages, followed by a street dance. On Wednesday “la tornà” is celebrated, and the effigy of Our Lady of the Forsaken is returned to the hermitage. The procession is accompanied by fireworks and ends with a fireworks display.