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Valle de Ayora – Cofrentes

The Ayora-CofrentesValleyoffers a rich and varied natural and monumental heritage and borders the province of Albacete.
In Cofrentes you will find the remains of a castle and some of the most amazing resorts in the Valencian Community.

The Castle of Ayora(the capital of the region), offers interesting landscapes, whilst at the edge of the region the Iberian village of Castellar de Mecais one of the most beautiful in the province.

A few kilometers away you will find Jalance, home tothe Cave of Don Juan, one of the few caves of the province which can be visited.

Also worthy of mention are the castles scattered across the region, the most important being Chirel Castle in Cortes de Pallas and the ruins of the castle of Jarafuel. The National Hunting reserve of the Muela de Cortes is home to Spanish goats and many diverse species of game.

Large hydroelectric projects have transformed the countryside of the valley and La Muela in recent years: the Cortes II reservoir and the immense Cortada reservoir make up one of the most complex hydroelectric projects in Spain. La Muela also conserves a rich cultural heritage.

The GR-7 European long-distance trail crosses the region of La Muela from North to South.

The 12 km Ruta Fluvial Júcar is the only riverside pathway in the Valencian Community. It passes through Cofrentes and Cortes de Pallásand offers a chance to visit unmatched countryside

Gastronomy and events:

The gastronomy of the Valley is, like its inhabitants, earthy, and is noted for the flavorsof the delicacies which are derived from the richness surrounding these towns and villages. Undoubtedly the most characteristic dish is gazpacho ayorino, a chicken, partridge or pigeon and rabbit stew,served on a wheat pancake. In Ayora the custom is to make “gazpachás populares”, where the village prepares a gazpacho to share with family and friends.
Ajetaois a typical dish based upon white beans cooked with cod and garlic mayonnaise and is prepared during the Angel fiesta. Gachamiga is mainly enjoyed during the winter months whilst following the “matanza del cerdo” (the slaughtering of the pig), the quality, artisan sausages produced maintain the traditional taste of the past. The cuisine of Valle de Ayora-Cofrentes also offers a wide variety of pastries and desserts, such as aguamiel (sugared water), almendraos (macaroons), magdalenas (sponge cakes), mantecados (made from flour and almonds), lengüetas (cookies available from bakeries), each maintaining the flavor and customs of traditional cooking. It is worth mentioning the quality of the internationally renowned, artisanal honey produced in the region, famed for its properties.

Amongst the festival calendar of the region, the following are particularly noteworthy: the Batalla del Agua (water battle), celebrated in Jarafuel during the second half of August, el Día de los Locos (crazy day) and the Carnival in Jalance, and the Easter processions in Ayora. In Cofrentesa statue is erected during the Fallas festival and the cremá (burning of the statue) takes place on 1 May.The Primer Corte de la Miel (first honey festivities) and funfair take place during the second week of October.

Tourist Info Ayora
Calle San Francisco s/n (Casa de la Cultura).
Tel: 961890658
Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Tourist Info Jalance
Calle Targer 2.
Tel: 961897171
From Wednesday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Day December 25 and January 1, closed.

Tourist Info Cofrentes
Plaza de España 6.
Tel: 961894316
Daily from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.