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Venta del Moro


Some of the highlights of the local cuisine are: lamb stew, chickpea stew, rice with cauliflower and cod, rice with beans, vetch, pickled game (such as partridge), “morteruelo”, baked ham, rolls with sardines and chopped ham, “atasca” and sardine dip.

Local sweets and confectionery include fritters, madeleines, “matecados”, etc.

Places of interest:

Places of indescribable beauty, such as the spectacular “Hoces y Cuchillos del Cabriel”

“Vadocañas” bridge (16th century), etc. Natural springs: “Medrano”, “Julianazo”, “Solar”, “Rebollo”, etc. The municipality is ideal for adventure sports: rafting, bungee jumping, climbing, canyoning, hiking, whitewater canoeing and many others can be practiced in the River Cabriel and its surroundings. There are various companies specialized in these activities in the municipality.

Active Tourism Companies:

Avensport Turisme Actiu i d’Aventura

C/ San Juan, 12
96 123 50 76
606 362 772
Fax: 96 122 11 84

Kalahari Expediciones y Aventuras

96 377 44 44
689 599 506

Ozono Open Natura

C/ San Juan, 14
96 218 50 39
620 264 263


The village’s main festivities are held on 10th December and 15th May, in commemoration of its patron saints, the Our Lady of Loreto and Saint Isidore the Farmer. Another ancient tradition deeply rooted in the village and some of the surrounding hamlets is that of “Los Mayos” (folk songs), which take place the evening of 30 April.


Route of Monumental and Singular Trees

Cabriel Valley Biosphere Reserve

Starlight Tourist Destination

Hoces del Cabriel Natural Park

Other places of interestVenta del Moro

Hoces del Cabriel Natural Park Interpretation Center

The Judas, Intangible Asset of Local Relevance

Los Mayos, Intangible Asset of Local Relevance

The Bonfire of December 9, Intangible Asset of Local Relevance

Vadocañas Bridge

Infrastructures of the unfinished railway line Baeza-Utiel

Nature activities. Active turism

Tourist Info Venta del Moro

Tel.: 962185001 (Ayuntamiento)