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Calles is a picturesque municipality crossed by two rivers: the River Tuéjar, which runs through the village, and the River Turia, or “Blanco”, as it is known in the area, which lies about 4 km from the centre. The municipality has become a wonderful summer destination, with its impressive landscapes and monuments acting as potent tourist attractions.

The original centre of Calles, the Barrio de la Petrosa neighbourhood, sits atop a rock that towers over the valley. It is characterized by its twisting streets of Moorish influence, and still retains much of its traditional appearance. At the foot of this neighbourhood is the 17th century Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception, whose façade dominates Plaza de la Iglesia. The old town stretches towards the south. Notable sites in its narrow streets include Plaza del Mesón, where we find the town hall, and Plaza Mayor.


The most appreciated local dish is “ollica” (stew), flour and grass pea semolina, toasted wheat “gachas” (porridge), beans and thistles with vinegar, and artisan sausages. The typical sweets produced in the municipality are: “Mariquitas”, “Malhechos” and “Rollicos de cazalla”.

Typical Products Olive Oil, Autoservicio Sanchis Santa Quitería, 1.

Vinos Bodegas Vegamar. Garcesa s/n

Places of interest:

Roman aqueduct of Peña Cortada, in the municipality of Calles. (2nd-century)
The “Peña Corte” Roman aqueduct, one of the most unique in the Valencia Region, starts at “el Azude” in the River Tuejar, from where it draws water. In order to cross the “Cueva del Gato” ravine, a 36 long, 33 metre high aqueduct was built. It consists of three arches on staggered pillars, grounded directly on the rock bed of the ravine and built with square-cut stone blocks, in accordance with the Roman technique of ‘opus quadratum’. It is 2.1m wide at the highest part.

It has been declared Heritage of Cultural Interest within the province of Valencia.

Calles Church
The Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception, the village’s main monumental building, dates from the second half of the 17th-century. It has a simple façade and a bell tower of masonry and brick. It is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.

Hermitage of Saint Quiteria
Very close to the village on “Los Arnacheres” mount, is the hermitage dedicated to the saint, the patron of the village. The Hermitage of Saint Quiteria is located in the centre of a hairpin bend formed by the road in front of the village.


On 5th January, the festivities include a procession of the Three Kings, who distribute sweets and toys to the local children. The festivities in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbott are held for two or three days around 17th January. During the festivities, bonfires are lit in the village’s streets and squares, organized by “La Peña de Amigos de San Antón”.

A mass in honour of the Saint is held, animals are blessed and bread and chocolate is handed out amongst those present. Other events include games, “castells” (human towers), races for adults and for children and, at night, dances and fancy-dress competitions. For two or three days around the third Sunday in May, Calles celebrates its main festivities in honour of its patron saint, Saint Quiteria. Events include mass, processions and an evening dance with live music.

The August festivities are held during four or five days around the third Sunday of the month. They include the celebration of a mass in honour Our Lady of the Forsaken (together with a floral offering), Saint Roche, the Eucharist and Saint Quiteria, as well as sports competitions, children’s games, paella contest, sardines, mobile disco, band, dance groups, “despertàs”, cattle exhibition, etc.

Lugares de interes de Calles

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