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The municipality is located in the province of Valencia, in the administrative region of Camp de Morvedre, and is also included in the administrative sub-region of La Baronía. It is located on the south-easterly side of Sierra Calderona range, next to the River Palancia basin. The municipality covers an area of some 11.3 km2 and is located 100m above sea level, some 30 Km from Valencia and 6 Km from the town of Sagunto. It lies between mountains yet is also close to the sea. It currently has about 2500 inhabitants, having registered a large increase in the last four years due to its proximity to Valencia and Sagunto and its excellent road connections with both. Within the administrative region of La Baronía, it is the village that has experienced the greatest levels of growth in recent years, as is borne out by the numerous houses that are under construction in the area


Rice in its different varieties, especially paella and “empedrat”, figures among the most notable local dishes.

Places of interest:

The Monastery of the Holy Spirit on the Mount (15th-century). It was founded by the wife of Martin the Humane, following the pacification of Sicily. It has had various uses since then, and is currently used as a museum housing interesting works and documents. It is fundamentally a place of relaxation, tranquillity and peace. It has a pleasant inn run by the Franciscans, who have converted the surroundings into a recreational area for the many visitors, especially on weekends. The medieval tower located in the village centre is of Muslim origin. The tower forms part of the defensive construction and probably belonged to the Castle of Murviedro. It measures 25 metres and it is square. It is currently used as a municipal library. The Hermitage of Saint Michael dates from the 18th-century, with all the villagers participating in its construction. It is located on the hill next to the village. It is a very simple hermitage, notable for its chapel and its statue of the Archangel Michael.


The village’s festivities are held on the last Sunday of August in honour of the town’s patron, Our Lady, Star of the Sea. One of the central, most popular events is the carrying of the statue of Saint Michael from the hermitage to the church, which takes place after 10 o’clock on the last Friday in August. To welcome the saint, there is a fireworks display in the village square during the descent. Another characteristic procession is held in honour of Saint Barbara on the Sunday prior to the procession in honour of Virgin of the Star of the Sea, and is organized by “Las Clavariesas”. A wide range of activities are carried out during the village’s main festivities: children’s activities, dances, parades and a bull-running week (in early September).

Lugares de interes de Gilet

Tourist Info Sagunto
Plaza Cronista Chabret.
Tel: 962655859
From Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 14:30. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, from 09:00 to 14:00.