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Sot de Chera

Sot de Chera is located 67 Km from the city of Valencia and 30 km from Requena, in the extreme south of the Serrania administrative region. Its steep streets are determined by a mountain range formed by large deformations of strata that make up the Sot Anticline. The village centre is crowned by a Muslim castle built on a promontory and declared of Cultural Interest (BIC). Other notable elements of its architectural heritage include the 17th-century church of San Sebastian Martyr, which has an altarpiece by the painter Juan de Juanes, and the 16th-century Renaissance Hermitage of Saint Roche. The municipality is crossed by the River Reatillo River, a tributary of the River Turia which originates the near Sot de Chera. As it crosses the village, the river creates a beautiful natural pool, known as “El Gruñidor”, in which visitors and villagers alike are able to cool off during hot, summer days.


As in the rest of La Serrana region, Sot de Chera’s cuisine consists of dishes which were originally prepared to help overcome the long, cold days in which the villagers worked in the fields: meat and cabbage stews, and typical cakes such as “panizas” and “rolletes”.

Places of interest:

Moorish castle
Church of Saint Sebastian Martyr (1964)
Hermitage of Saint Roche (Renaissance style, dating from 1592)
Natural landscapes such as “Las Tascas”, “La Canal”, “El Charco Gruñidor”, “El Mirador” and “Las Cuevas”. Lastly, mention may be made of Sot de Chera anticline.
El Cerrao Centre: Hiking and mountaineering Outdoor games. Cycling routes. Geological routes (962348025)
Chera-Sot de Chera Natural Park

Lugares de interes de Sot de Chera

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