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Riba-Roja de Túria

The town sits atop a gently-sloped hill to the right of the River Turia. It has a population of about 20,700 inhabitants and is located 20 km from Valencia, at an altitude of 125 m above sea level.


The local cuisine has the same characteristics as in the rest of the region, with special importance given to a wide variety of rice dishes and the sweets made in the local bakeries.


Celebrations are held in honour of Saint Anthony on 17th January, with traditional bonfires and the blessing of animals. “Fallas” are also celebrated from 15th to 20th March in honour of Saint Joseph. The village’s main festivities are held in honour the Assumption of Mary on 15th August, while the Holy Christ of the Afflicted is honoured on 14th September. It was traditionally considered a festivity for single men (“els fadrins”), as the village’s young people were responsible for organizing the festivities in honour of the Virgin.


The Visigothic Palace of Pla de Nadal

DTMN Itineraries through Las RIberas del Túria

DTMN Itineraries along the Vía Verde to the Riberas del Túria

DTMN Itineraries through Las Trincheras - Line XYZ

Other places of interestRiba-Roja de Túria

Turia Natural Park

Disvover the Visigothic Secret

Urban Water Route

Discover the Castle and its Walls

Walking between bunkers and trenches

Cultural trails through the Porxinos Valley

Nature tourism experiences


Pla de Nadal Visogothic Museum – MuPla

Castle Ceramics Museum


Rice from the banks of the Turia

Gastronomic events

War heritage

Hiking and mountain biking trails

Tourist Info Riba-Roja del Túria

Calle Cisterna 30
46190 Riba-roja de Túria
Tel: 962772184 962772462 (Ayto.)
Fax: 960615039