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The presence of the textile industry has marked the appearance and given personality to the capital of the administrative region of the Vall d’Albaida.

The metamorphosis of an agricultural society with industrial presence into a fully-industrialised society took place in the 1950s. The life of the city has always depended on water, and the abundance of surrounding springs.

Ontinyent, as a demographic entity, is explained mainly by the existence of its extensive agricultural land, one of the ten most important agricultural areas in Valencia. The abundance of water and the use of the local waterfalls for energy explain the formidable concentration of manufacturing and fulling mills, as well as wool and paper plants, dating from the 18th century.


Medieval quarter of La Vila

Gothic church of Santa Maria

Bell tower of La Vila

Palau de la Vila or the Duchess of Almodóvar

Other places of interestOntinyent

The Pont Vell

Noble and stately homes

Bomb shelters

Pou Clar

Sant Esteve

Font de Gamellons

Moors and Christians

Patron saint festivities of the Purisima

Saint Anthony festivities

Holy Week

The fair


Tourist Info Ontinyent

Plaza Sant Roc, 2, 46870
Phone: 962916090
Fax: 962918202
Opening hours:
From Tuesday to Saturday from 09:00 to 13:30. and Monday from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.