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The beautiful landscape, the absence of traffic and a multitude of routes make Montitxelvo a perfect location for hiking and cycling.

The “La Creueta” SL-CV83 and “La Ruta de l’Aigua” SL-CV84 hiking trails have recently been homologated.




Cured sausages. Typical sweets: “monjàvena” and “rosegons”. “Mantecados”.

Places of interest:

Parish Church of Saint Anne, inaugurated in 1942. Altarpiece of the main altar of the church.

La Font del Molí.

Natural landscapes such as “Peñas Alba”, at 664 metres above sea level.

Village centre
The village centre retains is medieval layout. Carrer de Dalt stands out as the centre of power of the old village. It is the location of the Church of Saint Anne and the remains of the old castle-palace. Other elements of interest include ceramic altarpieces, “La Font de Baix”, Plaza Cervantes and the hermitage of the Saviour.

Church of Saint Anne
Constructed in Baroque style, subsequent renovations were effected in neoclassical style. The church houses ceramic altarpieces dating from the 18th century, and mention may also be made of the wall paintings in the baptismal font chapel. The bell tower houses the “Ana Maria” bell, which was blessed in 1908.

Montitxelvo Castle – Palace
A quadrangular, defensive construction with towers. Only one of the defensive towers remains. It stands two storeys high, with an ogival rib vault and part of the village’s medieval walls.

“La Pasa” and the “Riuraus”
Agricultural buildings that were used for the production of raisins. The grapes harvested in late summer were scalded with boiling water at “els fornals dels riuraus”; they were later dried in the sun on “canyissos” (reed tables) extended in the yard. The grapes were then kept inside the building during the night or when there were threats of rain.

“El Planet” aqueduct
One of the municipality’s best preserved aqueducts, dating from the 15th-18th centuries and is made of Valencian adobe and baked clay bricks.

La Font del Molí.
Natural landscapes such as “Peñas Alba”, at 664 metres above sea level.


The village’s main festivities are held during the first week of May. The festivity of “El Corazón” is celebrated on 8th July.