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L’Eliana is located in the metropolitan area of Valencia and on the left of the River Turia, 15 km from the city. It has more than 16,500 inhabitants. The municipality is almost completely flat, with some gentle slopes and average altitude of 93m above sea level.


The local gastronomy differs little from that of the rest of municipalities in the region, standing out for its wide selection of rice dishes, of which paella is its main speciality. Typical sweets include “braç d’ametla” (sweet rolls with almonds and egg), sweet potato cakes and “coques cristianes”.

Places of interest:

Its historic buildings include the Old Hermitage of St. Elias and Saint Ann, “La Masía del Pilar”, the “Luna” Mill, the Tower of the Viceroy, the parish church and the remains of the palace of the Marquis Casa Ramos. The Entrepinos residential development has access to the forest of La Cañada, of great interest as a tourist attraction that is ideal for jogging, cycling and walking. It also has 8 tourist routes within the municipality and the surrounding areas.

Torre del Virrey
The building, which has a square floor plan, is composed of a rectangular construction with a gabled roof and a tower at one of its corners. There are other smaller areas attached to the main building, in addition to a patio. The apertures are predominantly vertical, with semicircular lintels and spread over two floors. The building is accessed from its longer side. There are three opening above the access, which give way to the exterior with overhangs and are closed with lattice. The tower’s capstone is symmetrical on all four sides, with paired apertures and a lintel capstone.

Parish church (19th-century)
A rectangular building, consisting of a single nave with side chapels and built in the neo-Gothic style. It has a bell tower attached to the façade that is included in the rectangular layout. The building is built of solid brick and has a natural stone pedestal. The belltower’s capstone, together with the construction housing the bells, is made from exposed brick, whilst the rest of the building is plastered and painted. The access is located on the eastern side, which has a splayed door and a sculpted tympanum. The main façade is completed with a rosette and a capstone that highlights the nave’s gabled roof. The gabled roof is covered with Arabic tiles and the capstone of the bell tower is a hexagonal pyramid made of solid, exposed brick, which is topped with a sphere.

Tourist Routes
Information about the most interesting sites to visit in the municipality. Specially designed trails for tourists and visitors that take in L’Eliana and provide descriptions of monuments and historic buildings in the village, among other attractions.


The village’s main festivities are held between 1st and 17th July in honour of its patrons, Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Christ of Consolation. A firework display known as “la Cordà”, in which rockets are launched, marks the start of the festivities. The remaining days include mass paellas, popular dinners, musical events, theatre shows, fairs, etc.

The festivities of the Immaculate Conception are celebrated in July. Other notable celebrations include those held in honour of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of animals.

“Fallas”, held in honour of Saint Joseph, from 15th to 20th March, Holy Week and Corpus Christi.

Tourist Info Llíria
Plaza Mayor, 1 "Ca la Vila".
Tel: 962791522
From Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Last Sunday of the month closed.