La Ribera Baixa
In addition to the Albufera Natural Park, there are two towns, Cullera and Sueca, of special interest to the tourist.
Cullera takes the visitor from the beach to the mountains, in the same natural environment. The old city hugs the Muntanyeta de les Rabosses and is surrounded by more than 13 kilometres of sandy and rocky beaches. L’Estany Gran, a small freshwater lake, the Castle and the Shrine of the Virgen del Castillo, at the top of the mountain give stunning views of the coast.
Sueca is the cradle of rice growing. Its monuments include the Royal Church of Our Lady of Sales, the Church of Saint Peter, and the Town Hall, as well as the Shrine of Muntanyeta dels Sants and the Joan Fuster Museum. Close to the town, you can enjoy excellent beaches, such as El Perelló and Mareny de Barraquetes.