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The municipality of Foios is has an elongated shape, running from east to west, from the mountains on the periphery of La Huerta Norte to the Mediterranean Sea. Its maximum altitude is 64 m above sea level, descending smoothly without any notable features.


A typically Valencian municipality, whose gastronomy is rich in variety and quality. A wide range of rice dishes, prepared with the best local agricultural and livestock produce. Furthermore, mention may be made of the local sweets “coca cristina”, sweet potato cakes, “coca de Santiago”. Other dishes include “calderes” and “arròs amb fessols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip).

Places of interest:

Parish church of the Assumption of Our Lady (Església parroquial de l’Assumpció de la Mare de Déu): It dates from 1730 and was built under the direction of Juan Baptista Mingues. The building has three naves and a transept, with a bell tower of the same age as the church. It contains several baroque altarpieces, as well as neoclassical effigies and paintings. Special mention may be made of the effigy of Our Lady of Patronage, the patron saint of Foios.

Hermitage of the Christ of Blood (Ermita del Crist de la Sang): It is located about a kilometre from the centre, on the road to Vinalesa. It is a neoclassical building with rectangular layout, rebuilt in 1942. It contains a representation of Christ by Carmel Vicent.


  • Main Festivities: the village’s main festivities are held in honour the Assumption of Mary, Saint Roche, Our Lady of Patronage and the Christ of Blood from 11th to 18th August.
  • Saint Anthony Abad: celebrated in January.
  • Winter Festivities (Festa d’hivern): held during the second weekend in November in honour of Our Lady of Patronage.