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Casas Altas

Situated between the municipalities of Casas Bajas and Ademuz on the N-330, some 2 km from the first and 4 km from the second. Casas Altas is a municipality located in the southern sector of Rincón de Ademuz. Its boundaries are: to the north and east, Ademuz; to the west, Vallanca and Ademuz; to the south, Casas Bajas and Santa Cruz de Moya (Cuenca).


“Gachas” (porridge), vetch, “chichas de matagorrino”, stew, “arroz empedrado” and homemade sausages.

Local sweet dishes are based on artisan honey and locally-produced apples.

Places of interest:

Church of the Holy Trinity (17th century, with subsequent renovations)
Old municipal lavoirs
The flour mill
La Fuente del Tornajo
The Rincón de Ademuz Sculpture Park.

Its natural sites include “la Muela de Casas Altas”, “El Gazapo”, “la Umbría Negra”, “la Fresnera” and the River Turia (or “Río Blanco”), as well as “el Pinar de Casas Altas”.


On 15th May, festivities are held in honour of Saint Isidore the Farmer. An open-air afternoon tea is offered, attended by all the villagers. It is customary for “jotas” to be sung during the event. Festivities of the Holy Trinity. The day is set according to Easter, usually in late May or early June. The main event is the planting of a poplar tree.

From 10th to 15th August, the summer festivities are held. The Festivity of the Assumption of Mary is held on 15th, with recreational celebrations and sports competitions, as well as street dances and traditional acts.