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Benisanó, which is surrounded by agricultural land of La Pobla de Vallbona, Benaguasil and Llíria, is located at an altitude of about 250 m above sea level and lies 23 km from the city of Valencia. It is one of the most beautiful towns in the administrative region of Camp del Turia. Benisanó has a large offer in hotels. This is a clear example of the good work of the restorers and of course, of the unique historical environment of Benisano, as well as the hospitality and kindness of its people. The village’s declaration as a tourist municipality by the Valencia Regional Government identifies Benisanó as a tourist destination and a new meeting point for Valencians and tourists alike.


Benisanó offers a rich gastronomic variety. During his/her stay, it is recommended that the visitor try the local cuisine, made with natural products and traditional recipes. Perhaps the main dish is the Valencian paella, cooked over firewood. Other specialities include “l’arròs al forn” (baked rice), “l’arròs amb fessols i naps” rice with beans and turnips), “l’arròs amb caragols” (rice with snails), “l’arròs amb bledes” (rice with chards) and “l’arròs a banda” (rice with fish stock). We can also enjoy l’esgarraet (grilled red pepper salad, cured cod, garlic, olive oil), chops and cured sausages from the region, lamb steak, rabbit with garlic, etc. Local confectionery includes the most typical pastries made according to traditional recipes: “els pastissets de ponsil o boniato”, “els rollets d’aiguardent”, “els bescuits”, “el braç de gitano”, “els congrets”, “la tarta d’ametla” and “coca de llanda”, among others. The local bakeries produce typical traditional homemade sweets throughout the year.

Places of interest:

Its main attraction is its 15th-century castle, which may be considered a castle-palace, combining fortifications and a noble residence. Of primitive aspect, the castle was constructed with a drawbridge and moat. The main areas of the castle are the bailey, the vestibule, providing access to the underground facilities which are now used as wineries, and the main hall, which is noteworthy for its doors, fireplace, stained glass and tiles, all added in the late 19th-century. The Church of the Holy Kings (15th-century) houses important pictorial works, such as: the Adoration of the Magi (15th-century), Jesus of Nazareth (attributed to Juan de Juanes, 16th-century) and a representation of Our lady of the Forsaken (17th-century), along with a sculpture of the Pieta, without overlooking the 13 side chapels of great artistic beauty.


On 6th January 6 celebrations are held in honour of Three Kings, patrons of the parish church of the same name. The festivities are organized in collaboration with the Council. Following the Christmas festivities, celebrations are held on 17th January in honour of Saint Anthony. The day begins with the blessing of bread, and in the evening the blessing of animals and sampling of “rollets”. On the occasion of the celebration of the acquisition of Benisanó Castle by the Village Council (1996), February sees the celebration of the “Medieval Weekend”, an extremely popular event that sees the local squares and streets decorated and host to music and parades in period costume. The main festivities are held in late August and early September in honour of Our Lady of the Fundament (7th September), Our Lady of Sorrows (9th September) and Saint Joseph (10th September). A wide variety of events are organized: “despertaes” (early-morning wake-up calls by musicians and fireworks), floral offerings to the patron, street dances, parades, firework displays, etc. Festivities are also held for Holy Week and Corpus Christi.

Lugares de interes de Benissanó

¿Que hacer en Benissanó?

Tourist Info Camp de Túria
Pla de l'Arc- Edificio Sede Mancomunidad Llíria.
Tel: 962793619
From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.