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The village of Barxeta is situated in the administrative region of La Costera on the natural route connecting the city of Xativa with the valley of Valldigna and the sea. It is a mainly agricultural town. Mention may also be made of the marble and granite quarries.


The most typical dishes include “l’arros al forn” (baked rice), “l’arros amb fesols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip), paella and “l’espardenyà”.

Typical sweets and pastries: walnut cakes nut and Easter cakes.

Places of interest:

In the municipality of Barxeta there are several routes that can be explored on foot or by bicycle, and along which the visitor can admire the diversity of Mediterranean flora and fauna, although the most abundant species is the white pine. The routes are:

Route 1: Simat de la Valldigna – Quatretonda (Pla de Corrals) – Barxeta – Genovés. The route is host to an abundance of Mediterranean vegetation.

Route 2: Barxeta (Camí dels Sensals) – Mont Requena – Quatretonda – Benigànim. Mont Requena is undoubtedly one of the most impressive landscapes to be found within the Valencia Region. It is notable for the density of its vegetation. There is also a well that supplies water to the village, known as “Ramonet l’Esquilaor” and a recreation area with a fountain.

Route 3: Ctra. Barxeta to Rafelguaraf – Pla de Llauris – El Judia – Xàtiva to Simat de la Valldigna road. The route is notable for an abundance of Mediterranean fruit plantations. Part of the land is classified as a protected landscape.


The main festivities are held during the last week of July, with a mixture of religious and recreational acts. It is organized by the young people of the village. The events include bull-running, fireworks, a brass band festival, parades of Moors and Christians, numerous sporting and cultural events, and the “Festa del Marrano” (paella and water).