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Institut Valencià d’Art Modern – IVAM

Museums - Monuments ( València )

Institution creted by Law 9/1986, of 30 December, whose main purpose is “the development of the cultural policy of the Generalitat Valenciana as regards the knowledge, protection, promotion and dissemination of modern art”. It is housed in an 18,000m² building inaugurated in 1989, which is divided into eight galleries for permanent and temporary exhibitions.
One of them, with independent access, exhibits the remains of the medieval wall of Valencia.
The galleries have a classical museum character. The three main galleries are made up of a succession of five rooms that follow a linealr route. There is also a gallery designed for the exhibition of sculptures.
The IVAMhas its own legal personality, full capacity to act for the fulfilment of its aims and is empowered to carry out activities for the provision and promotion of services, manage services or prodeuce goods of public interest that may be or may not be paid for.
The IVAM is a public law entity that is generally governed by public law, except n the formation of the will of its bodies, in the exercise of the administrative powers attributed to it and in those aspects specifically regulated by the Generalitat’s legislation on the public sector and budgets.

Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., closed on Monday

Ticket: Free
Ticket cost:
type of museum: Contemporary art


C/ Guillem de Castro, 118, 46003, València

96 317 66 00