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The municipality of Ademuz also contains the hamlets of Sesga, Mas del Olmo and Val de la Sabina, all of them inhabited with stable populations. The terrain is uneven and mountainous. Its economy has traditionally been based on agriculture, and especially the cultivation of almonds and apple. The main language is Spanish, due to the repopulation (mainly Aragonese) that took place in the 13th century.


Ademuz’s traditional cuisine is mainly based on local products and is very filling, in response to the rigours of the continental climate. The most typical dishes include: “gachas de maíz” (corn porridge), accompanied with pork, cod, olive and garlic sauce, tomato sauce, pepper, sardines, etc., “empedrao”, made with rice, pinto beans, ribs and pork belly, blood sausage and other ingredients, and “puchero de pueblo”, which is made with pinto beans, potatoes and pork. The local selection of pastries is tasty, varied and, above all, handmade. Local sweet dishes include nougat, “alajuz” (cakes made from honey, almonds, walnuts, breadcrumbs and fine spice), quince, cakes stuffed with apple or angel squash, pumpkin fritters and apple pie, “pingano” (sweet or savoury cake made with nuts), etc. Local, high-quality natural products include honey, almonds, vegetables and different varieties of apples, such as “miguela”, “garcia”, “ricarda”, etc., with particular emphasis on the “esperiega” apple, native to Rincón de Ademuz, with hard flesh, very sweet, and ideal for baking.

Places of interest:

The entire area is of great beauty, with its mountains and agricultural land irrigated by the Turia, Boilgues and Ebrón rivers. Features include the ruins of the castle, the old town and the parish church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul (17th century), although without doubt the most important is the Hermitage of Our Lady of La Huerta, an outstanding jewel of Valencian artistic heritage (18th century). The municipality is full of landscapes that allow for hiking and other outdoor activities. Mention may be made of the “Pico Castro” and “El Cerrellar” natural sites. The first is located opposite the village, and can be accessed on foot along a marked trail or by car. “El Cerrellar” is accessed by crossing the “La Vega” bridge, and following the road through “Planos de Abajo”, “Planos de Arriba” and “Fuente de Hontanar”. Once at the destination, the visitor can observe a magnificent view of the entire northern half of the administrative region. The green ribbons formed by the valleys of the Rivers Turia and Ebrón, together with the different municipalities of the administrative region, can be seen. The River Boilgues route, which runs alongside the river from Ademuz to Vallanca, is also very interesting.


On 3rd February, “El Rollo” festivities are celebrated in Ademuz in honour of Saint Blaise. Sweet rolls are blessed during Mass and then eaten with hot chocolate.

Saint Vincent Ferrer’s Day (between April and March) is celebrated with the lighting of bonfires. On 3rd of May the festivities of the May Cross are held in Ademuz, during which the municipalities are blessed from the Hermitage of Saint Barbara.

Ademuz’s summer festivities, held from 10th to 15th August, include bull-running events.

From 15th to 18th, festivities are held in Sesga in honour of Saint Roche, with a wide range of recreational activities. Mention may be made of the pilgrimage to “El Molino de los Cuchillos”. These festivities include street dances, open-air lunches, recreational and sporting competitions and popular events. During the first weekend of October, festivities are celebrated in Ademuz in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary. Mass with procession, wine and bull-running.

Festivities in honour of Saint Barbara are held on 4th December in the hamlet of Mas del Olmo. There is a procession, and “pan de estrella”, which is made in the Bread Museum, is distributed. On 8th December, the festivity of “los Quintos” is held in Ademuz, during which the participants parade through the streets asking for donations. On 24th, “cantos de Albaes” are held in Ademuz, Mas del Olmo and Sesga.

In Mas del Olmo, on 28th (Day of the Innocents), “Los niebleros” (the young people of the village) leave heavy stones in the village houses as an “incentive” for the inhabitants to extend them an invitation. If no invitation is forthcoming, the stone is left in the house.

Lugares de interes de Ademuz

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Tourist Info Ademuz
Calle Fuente Vieja 10
Tel: 978782267 978782371 (Ayto.)/ 673505131
Mornings from Wednesday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday afternoons, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.