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Riola belongs to the Ribera Baixa administrative region and is located on the right bank of the River Júcar. To the north, it borders with the municipality of Sueca, to the east with Fortaleny, to the south with Corbera and to the west with Polinyà.

The passage of the River Júcar through the village has created sites of great natural beauty. Mention must be made of “l’Assut”, a major dam on the river.

Its economy is mainly based on irrigation agriculture. The cultivated area represents 85% of the total. The rest is mostly occupied by urban buildings and roads. Another important sector is represented by the construction industry. Other activities include the wood industries and some locksmith workshops.


Mention may be made of the wide variety of rice dishes, as well as the local sweets and pastries, which can be found in the village bakeries.

Places of interest:

The village’s main festivities take place during the first week of August, around the 5th, and are held in honour of Santa Maria Maggiore. On 19th March, Saint Joseph is celebrated with the “Fallas” festivities.


Las fiestas mayores se celebran la primera semana de agosto, en torno al día 5, y se celebran en honor a Santa María la Mayor, el 19 de marzo, se festeja a S.José con las fallas.