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The municipality of Favara is located at the foot of the northern slopes of the Serra de Corbera range. The municipality is diamond-shaped and rugged. The main peaks are: Germanells (589 m) and Pic de la Mola (625 m). The non-cultivated area is covered by pine forests and scrubland.

The municipality of Favara borders with the municipalities of: AlziraCulleraLlaurí i Tavernes de la Valldigna.


The most notable local dishes are baked rice and “arròs fesols i amb naps” (rice with beans and turnips), as well as “all i pebre” and paella.

Places of interest:

La Galera Cave
A site with difficult access, set in a landscape of Mediterranean forest. It is a cave containing materials from the Bronze Age, corresponding to Iberian settlers. It is located in the Sierra del Cavallo Bernat range.

Hermitage of Saint Lawrence of l’Aldiola
A small, rectangular building, located on a mound.

“Fundació patriarca Sant Josep” Schools
Located in Calle Drets Humans, 11. A building dating from 1880 that presents a different treatment on each floor.

Parish Church of Saint Anthony the Abbott
A building with a single nave and side chapels. Construction began in 1748 and was finished in 1760. Originally built in the neoclassical style.

Sites of natural beauty include “el Pic de la Mola”, “la Cova de la Galera”, “els Dos Plans” and the area of “Sant Llorenç”.


The village’s main festivities are held from 9th to 14th August in honour of Saint Christopher, Saint Lawrence, Saint Isidore, the Immaculate Conception, the Divine Aurora and the True Cross. Events include religious celebrations and acts, street dances, sports activities, parades, bull-running, etc.