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Aielo de Malferit

Aielo de Malferit is located at 281 m above sea level in the south of the province of Valencia, in the north-east of La Valle d’Albaida administrative region. Its municipality is surrounded by mountains: the “Serra Grossa” range to the north, “La Solana” to the west, “l’Ombria” and “La Serratella” to the south. Its municipal term limits with those of Vallada, Montesa, Canals, l’Olleria, Albaida, Agullent and Ontinyent.

Aielo de Malferit is a quiet village with a population of 4,700 inhabitants, which increases during holiday periods due to the influx of visitors who opt to relax in the municipality and enjoy its heritage, its festivities and, especially, its natural surroundings.


“Cassola” (baked rice), cabbage paella, “arròs caldós” (rice with broth) in all its varieties and made with fresh local vegetables. Excellent sweets and pastries, as well as the local liqueurs, such as “Nuez de Coca-Cola”, which has medicinal qualities, and stronger beverages.

Places of interest:

Church of St. Peter the Apostle
18th-century. The interior is predominantly neoclassical in style.

Hermitage of the Calvary
18th-century. Dedicated to Saint Joachim and Saint Anne.

Palau de Malferit
Declared of Cultural Interest (BIC). Residence-Palace dating from the 15th century and the arrival of the Lords of Malferit. Following its renovation, it now serves as the Town Hall.

“La Beneficencia” Hospital
A hospital of simple construction with an “H”-shaped layout. Mention may be made of the modernist railings that surrounds the site. Founded in 1840.

Portal del Carmen
Former gateway to the village, of enormous urban and religious value.

Pont de l’Arcà
An 18th century aqueduct that carried water from the general agricultural irrigation canal.

Pont de Baix
Dating from the 16th century. Former access to the village from Ontinyent.

Liqueur Factory
Founded in 1880, currently active.

Electric power plant
Dating from the late 19th century, this is probably one of the first to be created in the province of Valencia. It originally supplied energy to Ontinyent,  l’Olleria and Bocairent.

Escoles Velles (old schools)
Inaugurated in 1930. The building currently houses the “Nino Bravo” Museum and the Public Library.

Nino Bravo Museum

Opening times: Saturdays from 18.00 to 20.00, and Sundays: 11.00 to 13.30.
For other times and group visits contact via phone: (+34) 654 39 42 96.


The village’s main festivities are held between 5th and 8th August, although several festive, recreational and cultural acts take place a few days beforehand, such as “los Alardos” (Moors and Christians), paellas, theatre shows, concerts, dances, etc. But as mention, at 13.00 on 5th August the festivities are begun with a parade of brass bands. In the evening the participants in the Moors and Christians festivities march into the village accompanied by beating drums. On 6th, acts are held in honour of Christ of Poverty, with a firework show and the capture of the castle by the Moorish troops. The 7th is dedicated to Saint Engratia the Martyr, with processions and the capture of the castle by the Christian troops. The festivities come to a close on 8th, with traditional bull-running and a firework show. There is also live music and dancing each night. The festivities of Saint Anthony are held in January, with a bonfire and the traditional blessing of animals, among other activities. On the Thursday prior to Ash Wednesday, “la cassoleta”, during which the villagers dress up in fancy dress and baked rice is served, is held.

Lugares de interes de Aielo de Malferit

Tourist Info Aielo de Malferit
Avenida del Santísimo Cristo 1.
Tel: 962360720 654394296
Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.