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Piles Beach


Piles Beach

Piles beach has a seafront promenade occupied by single-family one- or two-storey houses, very close to the sea; behind these are the higher buildings containing summer holiday flats. This layout means that visitors do not feel so hemmed in when walking along this section of the coast. At the southernmost end of the beach is the narrow Racó road, surrounded by fields of citrus fruit trees with small farmhouses. The dunes and their characteristic vegetation give this spot an exotic feel that imbues long sections of the marshy coastline of the Valencia region. The town’s principal monument is its parish church devoted to Santa Barbara, and a watchtower built in the 16th century to warn of the presence of pirate ships. These constructions are typical of the coast between Cullera and Oliva. A fine sandy beach with tranquil waters and a whole range of services. It is bounded by a lively seafront promenade, with rows of houses and apartment blocks behind.


– Popularity: low – Development: urban – Type of sand: golden – Sand quality: fine – Bathing conditions: moderate waves – Water quality: suitable for bathing – Hostelry: hostel and restaurants – Transport: bus from Gandia – Supervision: Red Cross with manned boat – Other services: beach cleaning, footbath and sailing school – Distances: 2 km from Piles and 74 km from Valencia. – Access: via a turn-off from the N- 332 and via junction 61 on the A7 motorway.


Blue Flag

Tipo de playa

  • Playa urbana - seniurbana

Servicios de playa

  • Pasarelas
  • Abierta
  • Restaurante
  • Parking
  • Estado del mar
  • Cruz roja
  • Parada bus taxi
  • Lavapies
  • Hoteles
  • Acceso personas con movilidad reducida
  • Turist info
  • Windsurf
  • Vela
  • Juegos deportivos