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Àngel Domínguez Cassoleria Museum

Museums ( La Safor - Potries )

Over the centuries, Potries has been an important centre of pottery activity, and the very name of Potries has its origin and meaning in this craft. The death of the last active potter, Ángel Domínguez, in the mid-1980s, marked the end of a craft activity with a thousand-year tradition in our municipality, of a way of understanding life, of a system of production and marketing, which had been in decline for years.
It was then that Potries Town Council, convinced of the uniqueness of this heritage, acquired the building an began an ambitious programme to recover the memory related to ceramic production in the town.
The building, of great typological and environmental intrest, presents a traditional dwelling with an associated artisan workshop.
On the ground floor is the domestic space, where we can see the classic rooms of kitchen-dining room and the bedroom with their original furniture.
Part of the ground floor and the entire upper floor, together with the courtyard and the adjacent shed, make up the craft sector of the building.
This sector conserves intact a large part of the elements and utensils used in the pottery production: likn, decantation tanks, potter’s wheel, glazing mill…

Ticket cost:
type of museum: Fine Arts