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Valencia Turismo > Bétera > Ruta arqueológica ‘Als Jaciments’ /Archaeological route ‘To the sites’)

Ruta arqueológica ‘Als Jaciments’ /Archaeological route ‘To the sites’)

Que hacer en ( Bétera ).

Route to the sites of the Roman-Visigothic Villa of L’Horta Vella and the Islamic site of Bofilla. The visit, by prior reservation, takes place on the last Sunday of each month, from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm, from September to May. On foot, from Bétera Station. The first stop is Horta Vella, followed by Bofilla, where you can have lunch in the open air. These are inclusive visits, always reserving a place for a person with reduced mobility, and companions, in a caterpillar chair, which makes their journey accessible.