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Vinalesa is a municipality with a wide range of services and sporting and cultural activities. It is an active village, with a population of about 3,200 inhabitants. The terrain is flat with a gentle slope from NW to SE. It is located at an altitude of 21 m above sea level.


Vinalesa’s heritage includes the Church of Saint Honoratus (18th century). Gothic. Mention may also be made of Vinalesa’ old silk factory, dating from the 18th century. When in operation, it pioneered the introduction of new techniques for the treatment and manufacturing of silk. It has been renovated by the town council and is used as a civic centre. In its new life, it has become the authentic nerve centre of the village.


There are many notable dishes made with rice, including paella, “arroz a banda” (made with seafood) and “arròs amb fessols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip, beef and pork). Although the most representative dishes are the traditional “arròs fessols i amb naps” (rice with beans and turnip) and paella. Vinalesa’s most typical dishes are “Les coques cristines” (a typical sweet made with almonds) and “arròs amb fessols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip).


Fallas – from 15th to 19th March. On September evenings, bull-running is held in the streets and it is traditional to dine outdoors. On 9th October, the Valencia Region Day, children’s activities and meals are organized. The Court of Honour is a festivity during which young girls play a role of importance and are dressed in white. Children’s Day and the Day of the Elderly are celebrated in October.