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Segart is surrounded by mountains and nestled in the Sierra Calderona mountain range, some 35km from Valencia.


Mention may be made of the local paella and “arròs amb fesols i naps” (rice with beans and turnip). Sweet dishes include “pastissets de boniato” (sweet potato cakes), Swiss roll with pumpkin and “les fulles de llimera” (made with lemon tree leaves). Lastly, it may be mentioned that the municipality is well-known for its delicious paellas cooked on firewood and its splendid home cooking. As is to be expected, the Camp de Morvedre region stands out above all for its expertise in rice dishes.

Places of interest:

Its monuments include Segart Castle. Today it is possible to observe certain remains indicating that it was part of a larger structure and that it was a totally defensive construction. Mention may be made of the Church of the Immaculate (18th-century), the Chapel of the Holy Cross and the Town Hall.


The village festivities take place on the last Sunday of July and the first Monday and Tuesday of August. The celebrations include Masses, dances, a children’s procession, paella contests and, on the last day, rice with beans and turnip is cooked for all the villagers to enjoy. It should be noted that there is a procession each day: the first is in honour of the Immaculate Conception; the second in honour of Ecce Homo, although it is accompanied by the statue paraded the previous day. The last day is dedicated to the Holy Cross (there is also a pilgrimage to the hermitage), and the three statutes are carried together. The three or four days of festivities include bull-running, both at noon and in the afternoon, and bull-running in which the bulls have flammable material attached to their horns.

Tourist Info Sagunto
Plaza Cronista Chabret.
Tel: 962655859
From Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 14:30. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, from 09:00 to 14:00.