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Moixent is situated on the banks of the River Canyoles, at the foot of the Serra Grossa range. It has a population of about 4,700 inhabitants, and lies 29.7km from Xativa, capital of the administrative region, and 74km from Valencia.

Its average altitude is 284m above the sea.


Gazpacho is one of the town’s typical dishes, as are “gachamiga” and “les farinetes” (garlic soup). The region’s mushrooms are famed for their excellence.

Local sweets include “los sequillos” (biscuits with beaten egg white) and “moixentins” (made with almonds).

The local virgin olive oil is of high quality, as is the white and red wine produced in Moixent.

Places of interest:

Moixent has been host to many cultures throughout its history, as evidenced by the archaeological remains found nearby, including the Iberian settlement of “Bastida de les Alcusses”, where the “Guerrer de Moixent”, a statue of extraordinary artistic value was discovered. The statue is currently in the Valencia Museum of Prehistory.

In its municipal term we can also find interesting sites such as El Bosquet.

Furthermore, in Moixent we can find a Muslim castle dating from the Almohad period and the gothic Church of Saint Peter the Apostle.

Further sites of interest include the Chapel of the Holy Relics and the Chapel of the Franciscan Convent, which currently houses the Archaeological Museum.


During the third weekend of August, festivities are celebrated in honour of Saints Abdon and Sennen. The acts include bull-running, mass and a procession.

The main festivities are held during the last week of August in honour of the Holy Christ of the Calvary.

In addition, during the first weekend after the celebration of “All Saints” (November 1), the Moors and Christians festivities are celebrated.

Lugares de interes de Moixent

Tourist info Moixent
Calle Gabriel Vila, 7
Tel: 690115083
From Wednesday to Friday it will be attended by telematics. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sundays and holidays, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. * Closed on December 24, 25 and 31, January 1 and 6.