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Valencia Turismo > Destinos > L`Horta > Llocnou de la Corona > Llocnou de la Corona

Llocnou de la Corona

A municipality located south of the city of Valencia, on flat ground. The municipality is the smallest of the province and is limited to the village centre. The current village originated from a convent that was founded in 1676. Over the years, it was abandoned and agricultural workers’ houses sprung up in the surrounding area. This residential area came to be known as La Corona. The current church, completed in 1902 on the site of the old chapel, is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary.

The main festivities are held on the day of Corpus Christi. Its inhabitants are called “llocnouïns”.


“All i pebre” and paella are the most notable local dishes.

Places of interest:

Lugar Nuevo de la Corona is the smallest Valencian municipality (the municipality covers only the village). It monuments include the Parish Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, which was terminated in 1902.

Parish Church of Our Lady of the Rosary: building was started in 17th December, 1899 on the remains of the old chapel. It was opened in 1904. Of Neo-Gothic style, it measures about 12 m by 20 m, and Plaza Mayor lies to its left. It is made of masonry and brick, with lines that are as classical as the materials permit. The façade is crowned at its upper line, with an oculus beneath and an empty niche between pilasters. The gabled roof is covered with Moorish tiles, including the tops of the three buttresses on each side. On the sides there are blind and elongated recesses, which correspond to the inner chapels. The church has a single nave with arches and a barrel vault. At the foot there is the choir, and in the presbytery there is a neoclassical altarpiece with the image of Our Lady of the Rosary.


The main festivities are held in honour of Corpus Christi, with religious and recreational acts (paella competitions, street dances, etc.). Of special interest are the festivities held in honour of Saint Vincent Ferrer, and those held on 9th October, the Valencia Region Day.