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Gavarda is located on the banks of the River Júcar, in the south-west of the Ribera Alta administrative region. The river and the Royal River Júcar Irrigation Canal surround the village, which has approximately 1,100 inhabitants. It is currently divided into 3 centres: the village centre, the new village (constructed following the floods of 1982), and the Villariezo neighbourhood. It lies 50 km from Valencia and 30 km from the Mediterranean Sea. The area is flat, except in the north and northwest areas, which are mountainous, with maximum heights of 150m. Its average altitude is 85 m above the sea.


Typical dishes are baked rice, “arròs fesols i amb naps” (rice with beans and turnip) and paella. Local sweets include “el arnadí”, which is prepared at Easter, “pastissos of moniato” (sweet potato cakes), which are prepared at Christmas, and the typical peanut cakes and “cristinas”, which are prepared during the village festivities.

Places of interest:

The Parish Church (1870), dedicated to Saint John the Baptist and Saint Anthony the Abbott. The battery, containing the remnants of a fortification, located in the upper part of the village and from where it is possible to see the entire Cárcer valley. “La Terreta” Cave, located in the “Huerto de la Campana” district, is characterized by a large opening in which “terreta” was stored for its posterior use in the cleaning of kitchens. It is also possible to fish from the banks of the River Júcar, in an area known as “El Chorro”.


The festivities held in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbott are celebrated during the weekend following 17th January. The main festivities, held in honour of Saint Vincent and the Immaculate Conception, are celebrated during the weekend after Easter. They are composed of three days of “mascletaes”, fireworks, live music, etc. On the Saturday after Ash Wednesday, the “Ball de Pinyata”, which the villagers attend in fancy dress, is held. Also known as the “Fiesta de los Quintos”, during which each group wears a different costume and a prize is given to the most original.

Tourist Info Alzira
Plaza del Reino S/N.
Tel: 962419551
From Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sundays: from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.