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Emperador is a small municipality which is completely flat and surrounded by the municipality of Museros.


As is typical in Valencia’s villages, Emperador’s cuisine is based on rice. Notable dishes include traditional paella with meat and vegetables, the equally classic “arrós fesols i amb naps” (rice with beans and turnip), as well as “arròs a band” (rice with fish stock) and “arròs negre” (rice with squid’s ink).

Places of interest:

A municipality located in the administrative region of l’Horta. Notable attractions include the local orange groves, the parish church and an old farmhouse (a fine example of Valencian agricultural architecture). Its religious buildings include the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Rosary, which is visited annually by the population and by visitors wishing to contemplated the succession of different styles employed during its construction. Mention may also be made of the so-called “Neoclassical Building”. Of great architectural beauty, it is one of the village’s most representative and loved constructions. It has very rich ornamentation, both in the interior and in the exterior.


Festivities are held in honour of Saint Anthony in January, during which it is traditional for the parish priest to bless the locals’ pets. Corpus Christi is celebrated at the end of spring, and the main festivities in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary and the Christ of Mercy are held at the beginning of September. Events include bull-running, cooking competitions, open-air dinners, processions, theatre shows, etc.