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Valencia Turismo > Destinos > L`Horta > Bonrepós i Mirambell > Bonrepós i Mirambell

Bonrepós i Mirambell

The municipality is formed of two centres: Bonrepós y Mirambell. It is completely flat, with a slight slope running northwest to southeast, without any significant geographical features, with the exception of the Carraixet ravine in the municipality’s southern and western limits. It is located 5.7 km from Valencia.

Places of interest:

La Iglesia parroquial de la Virgen del Pilar (1755) está situada en la Calle Mayor, en el núcleo de Bonrepós, es un edificio de una sola nave con torre campanario y de planta rectangular. Posee diversas pinturas del s.XVIII y otras más modernas. La Ermita de San Juan Bautista data del s.XVII y se encuentra en la antigua plaza central de Mirambell. Tiene una sola nave y está construida sobre la antigua mezquita.


The village’s main festivities are held from 11th to 13th October in honour of Saint Vincent Ferrer and Our Lady of the Pillar. Events include paellas, fireworks”, meals and other recreational activities. In June, festivities are held in honour of Saint John the Baptist, as well as the famous “tomatà”.