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Albalat de la Ribera

Albalat de la Ribera is a village located between the left bank of the River Júcar and the road from Valencia to Alicante. The terrain is completely flat. The River Júcar crosses the municipality and represents its southern boundary. The weather is warm. Land ownership is very fractioned. The land’s productive capacity was increased by means of drainage by aqueducts, and it was turned over completely to crop production. Irrigation is provided by means of the Royal River Júcar Irrigation Canal, and there are a multitude of irrigation canals distributed throughout the municipality’s rice paddies. Local crops include rice, oranges and other fruits, vegetables and legumes.


As in other municipalities in the Ribera Baixa administrative region, pride of place goes to the paella (in its different variants), baked rice, “suc d’anguiles”, etc. The most typical sweets include “coques de sagí i escudellades”, Easter cakes and “arnadí” (made with pumpkin).

Places of interest:

Mention may be made of the Church of Saint Peter the Apostle (1701), created by master builder Gaspar Diez (Latin cross and central dome), and the Hermitage of Saint Roche.

Other points of interest include the Town Hall (1644), the municipal slaughterhouse (converted into a library), the market and the bridge over the River Júcar (all dating from the early 20th century and fine examples of the incorporation of iron into the construction process).

There is a fountain and several sculptures, designed by Manuel Boix, in Plaza de la Cort.

Albalat de la Ribera has an abundance of sites of natural beauty: “La Marjal” (wetland, located in the Albufera Natural Park), with numerous “ullals” (underwater springs), such as “Mula” and “Gros”.


Recreational and religious festivities are held from 14th to 17th August. Street dances are held in the evening. On 16th (Saint Roche’s Day), a paella festival is held, and on the 17th the procession of Christ, which includes representations of Biblical characters. During the week of 12th of October, highly popular festivities are held in honour of Saint Roche, which include Moors and Christians parades.