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A small village focussed mainly on agriculture and located on the left bank of the River Albaida. The main local crop is grape. The tranquillity of village life and the warmth of its people are the most notable aspects of the municipality.


The most traditional local dishes are “arròs al forn” (baked rice) and “puchero” (stew).
The most typical sweet is the “snow nougat”, which is made by hand at home.

Places of interest:

Bellvís Palace
The palace of the Viscount of San Germán consists of two parts: the main, 16th century gothic building, which was built around a square, central courtyard, and the tower, which was built prior to the rest of the building and is probably of Arabic origin. It is unknown who built it: it was linked to the lordship of Bégida and the Bellvis family until the mid-19th century, and subsequently to the Viscounts of San Germán and the Colomer family, who are the current owners. In 2003 it was declared of Cultural Interest and awarded the category of monument.

Parish Church of Saint Joseph
Its construction dates from the late 18th century. The building is structured in a single nave of three sections, covered with a barrel vault and with chapels between the buttresses. It is a work of rural, unacademic architecture, of great formal and decorative simplicity. Benissuera church belonged to the parish church of Sant Pere up to 1535, when it was classified as an independent parish.


On 15th and 16th January, festivities are held in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbott, with the acts including the lighting of a bonfire, pig slaughtering, the blessing of animals and fireworks.

The main festivities are held between 8th and 10th September. Highlights include parades, open-air dinners, “despertaes” and processions.