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Valencia Turismo > Practical information

Practical information

The Province of València, which covers over 10,000km2 and has 2.5 million inhabitants, is the 3rd largest Province in Spain in terms of population, behind only Madrid and Barcelona.
As well as València, Capital of the Community of València, there are a number of towns of over 50,000, such as Gandia, Torrent, Sagunt, Paterna and Alzira.
The Province of València is a favoured destination for national and international visitors, offering sun, leisure and nature, making it a first choice for the holidays and getaways of many tourists.
The geography of València, with more than 100 kms of coastline and a highly mountainous interior, offers a rich and varied tourism experience. Many visitors are attracted by the climate of València, its sunny beaches, and the cultural opportunities of the Capital, its natural parks, history, gastronomy and the charm of its inland towns.


The Province of València has two co-official languages: Valencian and Spanish. Except for some inland areas, which are mostly Spanish speaking, both languages are commonly used in the Province.

Just as anywhere else, Valencians appreciate visitors who try to communicate in their own language, and so we include some basic Spanish-Valencian vocabulary to help you get around during your stay.

Hola Hola Hello
Adéu Adiós Goodbye
Bon dia Buenos días Good morning
Per favor Por favor Please
Gràcies Gracias Thanks
De res De nada You´re welcome
Desdejuni Desayuno Breakfast
Dinar Comida Lunch
Sopar Cena Dinner
On és…? ¿Dónde está…? Where is…?
Parla anglés? ¿Habla inglés? Do you speak English?
Em podria ajudar? ¿Me puede ayudar? Could you please help me?
Com puc anar a…? ¿Cómo puedo ir a…? Could you tell me how to get to…?
Em pot traure el compte? ¿Me puede sacar la cuenta? Could you bring me the bill, please?


The climate of València is one of many attractions for the tourist. The Mediterranean climate affords pleasant temperatures almost year-round.
The Capital has an average temperature of 18.3º (24.8º in the summer months) with over 300 days of sunshine a year. These temperatures are very similar to those of other towns along the coast.
It is true, however, that in the winter months, the high humidity leads to an increased sensation of cold, and so it is recommended that you pack warm clothes.
As we move inland, we find a continental climate, with several days of snow a year, and temperatures around 0º in winter.


The working day in València, as in most of Spain, usually begins at 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning, and ends at 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening.
Shops have longer opening hours. They normally open around 9:00 or 10:00 in the morning, until 20:30-21:00 in the evening.
Big department stores and shopping centres in the tourist areas usually open until 22:00 including on Sundays and holidays.

Five different meals can be identified in València:

Breakfast, from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning.
A mid-morning snack, from 10:00 to 12:00 midday. At weekends and on holidays, the people of València often have an esmorzaret with friends, and eat tapas (chocolate, olives…) and drink beer.
Lunch in València is usually between 14:00 and 15:00. Although many restaurants, especially in the tourist areas, have much longer opening hours, starting around 13:00.
The afternoon snack is taken around 17:00 or 18:00.
Dinner, as with lunch, is taken later than in the rest of Europe. Valencians usually have dinner after 21:00, and many restaurants will even serve customers after midnight.