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The municipality of the village and the ancient Barony of Sollana, in the province of Valencia, borders with various municipalities in Valencia: with the Albufera Lake to the north, with the Silla to the northeast, with Almussafes to the west, with Alginet to the southeast, with Sueca to the east and southeast and with the Algemesi and Albalat de la Ribera to the south. The municipality covers an area of 37.3 km2.

According to the Geographic and Cadastral Institute, its coordinates are: North latitude 39° 19’, East longitude 3° 21’, South latitude 39º 14’, West longitude 3° 21′ on the Madrid Meridian.


The local cuisine is based mainly on rice dishes (“en perol”, “caldoso”), cod croquettes, “mostatxuts” and different sweets made with pumpkin, The dishes prepared with fish (eel, tench and mullet) from the Albufera are highly appreciated.

Places of interest:

An old Muslim village, which borders with the Albufera natural Park. Nearby there are sites of great natural beauty, such as “Els Tancats”.

Heritage and places of interest:
Raval Church
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Municipal Lavoir
Municipal market
Natural heritage:
L’Albufera Natural Park
Greenway via Sollana


Sollana’s main festivities take place on 10th and 11th August in honour of Christ of Mercy. On 12th a pilgrimage is held, and during the following week there is bull-running for three days.

“Fallas” are celebrated from 15th to 19th March in honour of Saint Joseph.