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Rocafort is a municipality that is essentially dedicated to the tertiary sector. The village has a population of about 6,700 inhabitants. It is located at an altitude of 35 m above sea level.


Rocafort’s most typical dishes are based on rice, and the best-known is the traditional paella. Other dishes include the classic “arroz al horno” (baked rice) and “arroz a banda” (paella with fish). “Coques cristines” (a sweet made with almonds), which are usually prepared for the festivities, are the most typical local sweets.

Places of interest:


This village, located on a small stone promontory, has an interesting 16th century church, dedicated to Saint Sebastian. There are several buildings and palaces of note in the centre. Its proximity to Valencia has led to the proliferation of residential development areas, the most well-known being that of “Santa Barbara”. Mention may also be made of the scenic and natural wealth of Rocafort’s agricultural land, which is still farmed intensively.


In late August and early September, the village’s main festivities are held in honour of Saint Augustine, Our Lady of Consolation, Saint Barbara and the Christ of Providence. Of special interest are the festivities held on 9th October, the Valencia Region Day, during which the victorious campaign of James I of Aragon is celebrated.