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Novetlé is located on flatlands on the banks of River Canyoles River and at the foot of the Sierra Vernissa range. It is located at an altitude of 84m above sea level.


Novetlé’s most typical dishes are made with rice, such as paella and baked rice casserole (“arròs al forn”).

Places of interest:

The most important monuments are the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, built in 16th century, the “Casa de Señoria”, also popularly known as “Palau de Tallada” (18th century) and the old municipal lavoir.

Novetlé also has several natural areas of interest, such as the river and a narrow strip of the Sierra Vernissa range, with the ascent to the San Diego Peak.

The parish church of Novetlè is named after Our Lady of the Rosary. This parish was created by resolution of the Patriarch Juan de Ribera, who upon its creation added the village of Anahuir as an annex. Neither of these two villages had a church: the villagers would hear Mass in Xativa. Novetlè church met all the necessary conditions. Its Latin cross construction, with a dome in its centre, belongs to the Tuscan architectural school: it has an entrance, four chapels or altars on each side and the main altar, which bears the statues.

La Alquería de Tallada was built in 1748 and, together with the disappeared Tallada Palace, was the seat of the stately jurisdiction and the Municipal Council, a well as a prison and the storage space for the proportion of crops given up in accordance with feudal rights. Since the definitive disappearance of the manorial rights in 1837, the building, naturally, lost its functions inherent to the barony and became a mere warehouse, although it was also used a living accommodation by field workers and tenants. It also housed, at least for much of the 20th century, public schools or units for children in the early grades. Thus it was maintained as inhabited site or as an agricultural warehouse until about 1965.

“La alquería de Tallada” is considered Local Relevant Heritage within the legal framework regulating regional law, and forms part of the protected properties covered by local council planning regulations aimed at their recovery and public use.

Construction on the village’s old lavoir was begun in 1954 with the help of the Valencia Provincial Council. It provided a necessary service to the village. Despite the simplicity of its construction, effected with materials of the period, such as wood, adobe and ceramic tiles, it retains its architectural personality, characterized by semicircular arches and the ceramic plaques that serve as humble ornament.


Novetlè celebrates its main festivities during the last week of August in honour of the Divine Aurora, Christ of Pardon, Saint Diego and Our Lady of the Rosary. The celebrations see a mixture of religious and recreational activities, such as processions, masses, paella festivities, the day of the “pig”, and different street dances held at night.

A Cultural Week is held in October, including acts such as the procession of the regional flag, “la Senyera”, on 9th October (the Day of the Valencia Region), athletics competitions and a paella “fiesta”.