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Loriguilla is a village of 1200 inhabitants located about 18 km from Valencia. It is well connected by road and rail to all the major cities and communication routes in the Valencia Region. Although historically a farming village, today most of the population works in the service sector and industrial activities. Nevertheless, a large part of the municipality is still dedicated to orange farming.


Typical dishes include “hunter’s gazpacho”, Valencian paella pan and “olla serrano” stew. Loriguilla has a great culinary tradition in confectionery, with notable products including pumpkin and sweet potato cakes, “cocas” with raisins and walnuts, and “congretes” (anise cakes). Loriguilla is also known for typical drinks such “la limonà” (a kind of sangría).

Places of interest:

On 17th January Saint Anthony’s Day is celebrated. During the festivities in honour of the patron saint of animals, a large bonfire is built in the square on which the neighbours roast meat and cured sausages. Festivities in honour of Saint John the Baptist, the patron saint of Loriguilla, are held towards the end of June. The village’s main festivities are held between 25th August and 1st September in honour of its patron, Our Lady of Solitude. Lastly, “Fallas” are celebrated in March.


Loriguilla’s festive calendar begins on the second Saturday in January with the festivities held in honour of Saint Anthony. It is followed by the traditional blessing of bread during the Saint Blaise Mass (3rd February). The “Fallas” festivities are also celebrated in Loriguilla during the two weeks prior to Saint Joseph’s Day. The events of Holy Week include the Seven Days of Sorrow (the seven days prior to Friday of Sorrows), and the Dawn Encounter of Easter. From 22nd to 24th June, celebrations are held in honour of St. John the Baptist, patron saint of the municipality. The most important festivities, considered by all as the village’s main celebrations, are held from the last Saturday of August to the first Sunday of September, and are dedicated to the town’s patron, Our Lady of Solitude.

Tourist Info Camp de Túria
Pla de l'Arc- Edificio Sede Mancomunidad Llíria.
Tel: 962793619
From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.