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La Puebla de San Miguel

The entire municipality of La Puebla de San Miguel is considered of extremely high archaeological value. Mention may be made of the largest number of monumental junipers in the Valencia Region, and perhaps in Spain which, dated by technicians, may be between 1,500 and 2,000 years old: authentic living fossils.



The most typical local dishes are beans and potato stew (with mutton, pork, blood sausages with rice and onion) and “gachas” (porridge).

Places of interest:

The parish church of Saint Michael was built in the late 17th century. Its main altar disappeared as a result of the Spanish Civil War, although some small fragments remain. The chapel of the Immaculate Conception (1700) has been restored and is now in perfect condition. The archive is located in the old town hall, and is one of the few fully-conserved municipal historical archives in the Valencia Region. It contains documents dating from the year 1400 up until the present day.

Exhibitions are held every 15 days in the permanent exhibition hall, located in the same building. El Cubo Ethnological Museum, located in one of the nine grape-treading vats (cubos) that formerly existed in Puebla de San Miguel, and of which only two are left. It houses exhibitions of a wide range of tools formerly used in the production of wine. The Surgeon-Barber’s House complements the previous monument.

The first floor is dedicated to a restoration centre and workshop, the second to dryland farming and the third to livestock and wood, which are the three economic activities that have characterized the village.

Examples of popular architecture, including a pair of lavoirs in perfect condition and a weaver’s workshop that is undergoing restoration.

Puebla de San Miguel Natural Park is located in the municipality of La Puebla de San Miguel. It has six micro-reserves of catalogued flora, which include species of great botanical value. There are four interpretative routes and a homologated trail.

Telephone Information Centre 660 12 74 91
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On 17th January, festivities are held in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbott in Casas Bajas, with traditional bonfires, roasts and street dances (the festivities are also held in other villages in Rincón de Ademuz). On 3rd February, the festivities known as “Día del rollo” are celebrated in honour of Saint Blaise. The priest blesses the rolls during Mass, which are then eaten with chocolate. On 30th May, the festivities of “Los Mayos” are celebrated in Puebla de San Miguel, Mas del Olmo and Vallanca. The single men (“Mayos”) celebrate the plenitude of spring with the popular songs dedicated to the single women (“Mayas”). On the Sunday nearest to 22nd May, Puebla de San Miguel celebrates a pilgrimage to the Hermitage of La Hoya de la Carrasca in honour of Saint Quiteria.

Although the hermitage is in Arcos de la Salinas (Teruel), it will continue to belong to Puebla de San Miguel as long as the pilgrimage is made (if the pilgrimage were to cease, the hermitage would pass into Aragonese hands). After the mass, the attendees direct themselves to the boundary stones of both municipalities, where those present are given gifts of liqueurs, cakes and “mollete” (round bread shaped like a teat). The event concludes with an open-air meal in the mountains. The summer festivities include street dances, open-air lunches, performances of popular songs, etc.