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La Pobla Llarga

Its population is approximately 4,450 inhabitants. It lies 45km from Valencia. The River Júcar passes close to village, although it does not enter the municipality. The “Barranc de Barxeta” ravine crosses the municipality from north to south, passing through the village centre. Its economy has traditionally been based on agriculture.


Mention may be made of “arròs al forn” (baked rice) and other rice specialities, as well as the excellent handmade local sweets (especially “las monas”).

Places of interest:

Highlights include “Creu de Terme”, constructed in a Gothic style with Roman influences, and “Pont de l’Ase”, dating from Roman times. La Pobla Llarga also has buildings of architectural interest: the Church of Saint Peter the Apostle, the Town Hall, Stately Homes, “Almacén de Ballester”, etc. La Pobla Llarga also has attractive natural sites, such as the “Barxeta” ravine, which crosses the municipality from north to south, and the “Serratella” mountain (highest point in the municipality: 129 m), and are located to the east of municipality and make up one of the most emblematic landscapes in the area.


The village’s festivities include celebrations held in May in honour of Our Lady of the Forsaken; the “Fira de Sant Pere” (Saint Peter’s Fair), which originated as a meeting place for artisans from the region’s different villages; and the main festivities held in honour of the patron saint, Saint Sant Callixtus, the most important of La Pobla Larga and which are celebrated between 9th and 14th October.

Tourist Info Alzira
Plaza del Reino S/N.
Tel: 962419551
From Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sundays: from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.