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La Font d´en Carròs


The local cuisine is typical of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean countries enjoy a microclimate that makes them different from the rest of the world: the humidity, the many hours of sunshine, mild climate and fertile lands provide for a wide variety of fruit, which gives the locals the privilege of a non-subsistence economy and, as a consequence, a refinement in culinary terms. The result is the preparation and processing of the products offered by our agricultural land. The village’s most typical dishes and sweets are: “Arrossos caldossos”. “Arròs al forn” (baked rice). “Coques a la calfó”, “Bonyitol al forn” (Oven-baked Atlantic bonito), “L’Olla” (stew), “Carns a la brasa” (grilled meats). “Conill i pollastre sofregits”. “Espencat amb pebre, tomaca i bargina.” “Rotllos d’aguardent”. “La coca en ous”. “Panbenet” (blessed bread) on Saint Anthony the Abbott’s Day. The recipes of these dishes and sweets are simple and easy to prepare. Furthermore, these dishes can be enjoyed in the village’s restaurants and bakeries, in accordance with the season.

Places of Interests:

The gothic Parish Church, dedicated to Saint Anthony the Martyr (1329), the Hermitage of Saint Anthony the Abbott, located in the heart of the old Moorish quarter (1530 to 1580), and the Hermitage of Saint Michael the Archangel. Residential developments (“Tossal Gros d’en Carros” and “Panorama I”). Splendid panoramic views. Lush pine forests. Numerous trails for hiking. Well-known cultural weeks and village festivities. “La Plana” (camping area) and “el Calvario” (recreational area).

Tourist Info La Font d’En Carròs
Plaza Ajuntament 1
Tel: 962833338
From Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.