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El Palomar

El Palomar is a municipality located in the centre of the Vall d’Albaida administrative region. It extends to the Serra de l’Ombria Natural Park and the Sierra del Benicadell range. The visitor can entertain him/herself by discovering every corner of the village, walking around the surroundings and natural spaces and enjoying the warmth and hospitality of the residents.


El Palomar’s most typical dishes are baked rice (for Easter), boiled beans (for the “la Plantà del Xop” festivities), and paella.

Places of interest:

– Church of St. Peter the Apostle, built in the 17th century, baroque.
– Belltower, offering a beautiful view of the village.
– Hermitage of the Rosary, rebuilt in the 19th century, of neoclassical inspiration.
– Series of polychrome ceramic devotional bricks installed in the different streets throughout the village.
– “La Sala”, formerly used as the town hall and which new houses the “Castell de Carrícola” archaeological museum.
– Carrícola Castle, 13th century medieval tower. Declared of Cultural Interest (BIC).
– “Junda” Ravine, from which the visitor can reach the “Font de Sis” natural landscape via the recently-created, poplar-filled “Senda Verde” trail.
– “Font de Sis” Natural Park, which has a spring, an old lavoir, public toilets, paella-making facilities and tables, plus a cafeteria-restaurant.


The “Plantà del Xop” (2nd weekend of May), and Our Lady of the Forsaken festivities. During these very popular festivities, a poplar is planted in the village square, after having being carried on the shoulders of the village’s young people. They also include the “dance of the flag” and the dance of “els pastorets”. The village’s main festivities are held during the 3rd week of August in honour of the Holy Family and the Christ of the Miracle. Events include a paella-making competition.

Tourist Info Albaida
Plaza del Pintor Segrelles 19.
Tel: 962390186 607201970 962900667 (Ayto.)
From Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. Saturdays: from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sundays: from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.