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The village of Cerdà forms part of the municipalities that make up the administrative region of “La Costera”, approximately 4 km from Xàtiva and 2 km from Canals and L’Alcúdia de Crespins. During recent years, the village has increased in size, probably as a result of its proximity to and good communications with the above-mentioned municipalities. It currently has around 310 inhabitants. It is 60 km from Valencia.


Baked rice and paella are Cerdà’s most typical dishes.

Places of interest:

The main buildings of note include the Palace of the Marquis of Montortal and the parish church, both dating from the early 16th century; the public lavoir (1935); and of more recent construction, the building used as a cultural centre (2000).

The ceramic panels on some facades of private buildings, together with the natural sites located around the River Canyoles, represent the most important attractions of the municipality of Cerdà.


The main festivities take place on 16th and 17th January in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbott. The various festivity acts include the collection of Saint Anthony’s flag, a procession, a floral offering to the patron saint, fireworks, floats and the “plantà de la foguera”, when the bonfire is built.