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Castelló de Rugat

Castello de Rugat is located in the eastern extreme of Vall d’Albaida, on the northern slopes of the Sierra de Benicadell range. It is located at an average altitude of 320 m. It has a chain of mountains that separate it from the south of the Comtat administrative region, most notably the Sierra del Benicadell range. To the north, east and west, there is a flat, dryland area populated with a multitude of ravines.


Typical dishes include baked “coques de dacsa” (corn cakes), which are accompanied by salted sardines, pork or sausages from the village.
“Arròs al forn” (baked rice) is also popular.

Places of interest:

The hermitage of Saint Anthony the Abbott and Saint Barbara (17th century) is one of the most interesting buildings in the village, which also has an abundance of interesting natural areas. There is a wide range of accommodation, based on the rural bed and breakfast houses.

Parish Church of the Assumption
Ice wells
La Mesquita (Mosque)
“La Bassa de la Font” and public lavoir
El Forn de la Gerreria
Borgias Ducal Palace
“Les Gerres” Ceramic Museum- Workshop (large, earthenware jars)


The summer festivities take place around 15th August and include a diversity of events, such as street dances, parade, Moors and Christians festivities, etc.

Festivities are held in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbott on the weekend subsequent to 17th January, which include bonfires, street dances, etc.

Lugares de interes de Castelló de Rugat

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