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Carrícola is located in the eastern extreme of Vall d’Albaida, on the northern slopes of the Sierra de Benicadell range. The municipality consists of two distinct sectors: a plain to the north and the area to the south, cut through by the hills of the Sierra de Benicadell range. The land is calcareous. The weather is warm.


“Cassoleta amb costra” is a popular dish among the locals, and popular sweets include the typical “els negocis”.

Places of interest:

Carrícola Castle
The castle is situated on a hill at 415 m. above sea level. It is a tower built in the 12th century, during the Islamic period, polygonal, and with a courtyard. It was constructed using masonry cofferdams. More than defensive, it use was the control of the territory.

Parish Church of Saint Michael
An old mosque converted to Christianity and dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel in 1572. It consists of two naves structured in four sections, covered by a barrel vault. The interior neoclassical. Mention may be made of the high alter, which is presided over by a Baroque sculpture of Saint Michael.

Islamic Hydraulic Heritage
The local hydraulic heritage includes a series of Islamic arcades, which served to extend the agricultural land. In the lower section of the Castillo ravine we find “El Gatell” reservoir and arcade, and in the Adzeneta ravine the “d’At” arcade and waterwheel. These two arcades carried drinking water to Bèlgida. The Grand Arcade, or Andalusian aqueduct, represents the beginning of the “Huerta Nueva de Carrícola” irrigation canal It is constructed from irregular masonry work held in place with mortar. The irrigation canal, is constructed from solid clay bricks.

Biodivers Carrícola
An environmental art space located in an area recovered from the local gullies. It includes the participation of 58 artists and a total of 71 works made with natural materials and integrated into and respectful towards nature.

L´Ametla de Palla
An environmental interpretation and sustainability educational centre, which the environmental group CEVA has created in the heart of the Benicadell mountain range. It offers guided tours through the Benicadell range, natural education, games, environmental and recreational-, knowledge of the environment- and heritage workshops.

Hermitage of Christ of the Calvary
Located at the foot of the mountain range and the edge of the “Castillo” ravine. It is located on the underground spring created by the Muslims for the capture and conveyance of water to the village. It is a simple construction with a pitched roof of Moorish tiles. In the interior there is a 19th century crucified Christ. It is completed by the chapels of the stations, decorated with Valencian ceramic tiles.

Carrícola has some very interesting sites, such as the “Corral de Diego” ice wells, “El Castellet” and the “Melero”, “Els Inflats· and “Freda” springs.


The village’s main festivities are held during the last weekend of September in honour of Saint Michael, Christ of the Calvary and Saint Abdon and Sennen. They include a multitude of religious and recreational celebrations, such as processions, parades, street dances, etc.

  • The festivity of Saint Anthony the Abbot is celebrated in January.
  • During Carnival, “cassoleta” Tuesday is celebrated.
  • On 8th May, the Apparition of Saint Michael is celebrated.
  • The village’s main festivities are held during the last weekend of September in honour of Saint Michael, Christ of the Calvary and Saint Abdon and Sennen.