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The municipality of Alborache is located on the right bank of the River Buñol, on top of a small hill surrounded by two ravines. It borders with the towns of Buñol (north), Godelleta (northeast), Turís (east), Dos Aguas (south), Macastre (west) and Yátova (northwest). The terrain is broken by numerous ravines and streams and has no significant elevations. The point of highest altitude is located in a long, narrow strip of land that reaches the foothills of the Sierra de Dos Aguas range.


Mediterranean inland gastronomy: baked rice, “gazpacho de pastor”, paella, “mojete”, grilled meats with garlic sauce and, of course, excellent local wines.

Places of interest:

The municipality of Alborache has numerous fountains and springs, as well as beautiful natural landscapes such as “Parque de San Jaime”, “Lugar del Milagro”, “Molino de la Luz”, “El Valle Feliz”, among others. There is also a project to create a network of trails running through the municipality and the administrative region, as well as an Environmental Education Centre. Aborache once hosted a site of Islamic origin, of which only the Tower of Alborache has survived. The tower, however, has undergone so many renovations and additions that today it is difficult to appreciate how it must have been in its original condition. The tower was part of the Alborache stately residence. The village was a centre of great importance during the Muslim era, although it was eventually destroyed during the continuous wars and numerous events to which it was subject. Finally, those wishing to visit Alborache on a Sunday will find an important traditional market that is attended every week by hundreds of visitors from the administrative region.

Tourist Info Cheste
Calle María Carbonell 14.
Tel: 960616261
From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.