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Valencia Turismo > Las Fallas de València

Las Fallas de València

In the month of March, and especially during Fallas week (from March 16 to 19), the city of València undergoes a transformation and every corner becomes a street party. Valencians dress up in traditional costumes, decorate their streets and in every neighbourhoods in the city gigantic monuments, built throughout the year, are raised, and then burnt in a few minutes on the night of the Cremà (March 19). From March 1st, the Plaza del Ayuntamiento is an unmissable visit for thousands of Valencians and tourists who come to enjoy the roar of the mascletaes. Artificial castles, street parties, parades, religious offerings and a host of other events, complete a festival unlike any other in the world. During this period, many Valencian towns such as Alzira, Sagunt, Gandía, Xàtiva or Torrent also celebrate this festival.